I dont tell lies or spin the truth just telling it like it is

What Now ?

So the Election is over and Ed Milliband won. The job now is to win back the electorate that left us and that will be done by winning the arguments on the High Street, on the doorstep, at the hustings, at the local elections, at the Scottish Parliament elections, at the Welsh Assembly elections, in the Scottish Parliament in the Welsh assembly, in the Local Council Chambers and of course in Westminster Not to forget on TV and Radio. We must Fight the cuts that are Ideological. We must decide do we attach The Liberal Democrats and the Tories or do we tar them with the same brush and just attack the Coalition. We must attract new voters with our Green credentials, we must defend Labours record over the last 10 years, we must defend Blairs record, we must defend Browns record. We have built Schools we have built Hospitals. Where as the coalition will close schools and close hospitals.

We have increased party membership by 35,000 since may and indeed had over 700 more member since Ed Milliband was elected. We must fight the negative campaigns online run by Iain Dale, Walaa Idris and others the negative spin these people try to weave against the labour party must be fought.

The Fight Back for Labour starts now.

2 responses

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  2. The next 9 months are crucial. We need to get our message right, and we need to get it heard through the tory dominated media. Do that, and we will win in Holyrood, win in Cardiff and win local authorities back across England. That will be the platform for victory in the general election – whenever that is called.

    We must reach out to voters to the left (Greens, former Lib Dems) as well as grabbing the centre ground and making ourselves distinctive – a tall order, but one I think that Ed Miliband can do, even though he wasnt my 1st preference.

    September 28, 2010 at 8:55 pm