I dont tell lies or spin the truth just telling it like it is

Posts tagged “Cooperatives

Village Co-operatives

Just watching a interesting story on ITV Local News program Lookaround about local Village community’s setting up replacements for local Post Offices, Stores and Pubs. Coldingham which is near where I live have a village trust set up to run the local post office in a porta-cabin. They ae expanding it to include a coffee shop and gift shop as there is a local historical Church called the priory and Coldingham has two caravan sites to attract tourists. It is also next to one of Scotland’s main deep-sea diving locations St Abb’s do it has a lot going for it. The story also looked at a Village in Cumbria which was setting up a Co-operative to save its Village pub. Now if you read my Blog before you would realise that Co-operatives and public houses are both things close to my heart.

After seeing this it occurred to me that the local where live the Burnfoot Roadhouse which at the moment is lying empty could be taken over and run as a Co-operative Pub. Watch this space to see if this takes off.