I dont tell lies or spin the truth just telling it like it is

Posts tagged “Ron Smith

Local Authority Cuts

I was at a meeting on Tuesday Night in Hawick Town Hall of the Teviotdale Area committee On the agenda was the discussion of a report commissioned by Scottish Borders Council about the future of Sport and Leisure in the Scottish Borders This report was carried out by Kit Campbell Associates of Edinburgh who are a management Consultancy Firm. Now present at this meeting were all 6 local Councillors who are all worried of course that this will be an election looser if the Local Leisure Centre is lost to Hawick. The political set up of the Hawick Councillors is very unusual there are two wards which are on either side of the River Teviot each ward has one Independent Councillor One Lib Dem Councillor and One Tory Councillor. This makes for strange set up on the council the councils political set up is a Rainbow alliance with a number of independents tho how you can be independent nd part of a group is surly a contradiction in terms. The management consultant started by saying that the Border Towns should not be so centered around them self but think of the big picture. Now I know we live in a “Global Village” but people still need to have certain things on their doorsteps. You still need leisure centers and they can’t just be based on profit and loss.